The Twenties




To some this century’s awkward teenage years.

Locked away in bedroom, scowling at the world. 

For others, the decade of influence.

Influence light won, oft bought and hard worn.

Throughly depressing?

Perhaps, but through the democratization of media, once we’ve worked our way through the awkward stuff, we’ll get there.

Which is why I think we’re in for a ride. 

I love a new year, normally because it’s the naïve shock of the new, mixed with that almost instant changing of the light. 

But this year feels different. There is all of the above, mixed in with a sense that it’s time, time to forget the nonsense, to step away from the expected, ignore the algorithm and shout from the rooftops. 

Time to believe in each of us. Individually & as a community. 

& is also why we/me/I will do all possible to make the place to catch the stories through lens and pen of the UK’s iconic products, people and places.

But this isn’t a place to be fusty, nor po-faced and ivory towered, posing and prancing we cannot do, but taking what’s great and showing you why, well we can. Highlighting those that stand the test of times and those which are new and exciting.

Just the best. Plus, positivity. Always.

Please always feel free to keep the conversation going via the usual channels and if you like it, spread the word. 

Oh and eat more greens, whilst reading more books.